Why choose mediation according to the Mediators institute of Ireland
Why Choose Mediation? (from the Mediators Institute of Ireland)
1. Less Adversarial:
Mediation is an interest-based process based on consensus and collaborative agreement.
2.Lower Cost:
Both in monetary and personal terms, mediation is inexpensive compared to rights-based interventions such as investigation or litigation.
3. Preservation of Working Relationships:
Mediation works towards long-term solutions for the disputing Parties, and where there is an ongoing relationship places significant emphasis on how they will interact in the future.
4. Mediation belongs to the Parties. The disputing Parties control the content and outcome of the mediation.
5.Creative Solutions:
Mediation allows for creative solutions which may not be available in rights-based processes.
6. Protection of Privacy:
The confidential nature of mediation allows the Parties to negotiate freely and productively without fear of publicity.
7. Swift Settlement:
Mediation can be scheduled soon after a dispute arises and following the pre-mediation meetings, can often be concluded in a single day.
8. Preservation of Options:
Engagement in a mediated intervention does not preclude participation in a different dispute resolution process.
9. Low Risk:
Settlement potential is high and there are benefits to participating in the process
for all.
Why choose Keith Walsh solicitors to advise you in your mediation
1. We support mediation and will assist you to succeed
2. We have extensive experience in separation, divorce and family law
3. Sensible, practical advice
4. Keith is a qualified member of the MII and holds a diploma in mediation from the Law Society of Ireland
5. You will learn what happens in the Court alternative and how that is better or worse than the mediated outcome
6. Straightforward assistance
Contact Keith Walsh for more information, keith@kwsols.ie, 01 455 4723.
Keith has Diploma in Mediation and is a member of the MII and has supported mediation by advising spouses on their legal rights while involved in the mediation process.